Many fathers tell us they have difficulty talking to their children about topics that make them uncomfortable and their children uncomfortable, especially having conversations around topics like mental wellness, adolescent sexual health, and healthy relationships and dating. We’re here to help by connecting parents and other caregivers to the experts. Join us as we encourage fathers to move beyond the barriers that often prevent them from having crucial conversations and get your questions answered in this free, virtual webinar.
Fathers are our primary audience for The Let’s Talk: The Fatherhood Edition but mothers, mentors, and others are all encouraged to join.
We are excited to announce the panelists for the webinar:
Kevin Zoromski– Michigan State University Extension Child and Family Development Team
Dr. Armon Perry– Professor at the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville Project Director of the Empower You, a healthy relationship and sexual health program for adolescents.
Kenneth Braswell– Executive Director, Fathers Incorporated, a nonprofit organization focused on responsible fatherhood
Our experts will:
Provide a series of steps and tips to help fathers, mentors, and others to make conversations more comfortable
Discuss how fathers and other adults can better support the young people in their lives when it comes to mental wellness and overall health and social wellbeing.
Discuss barriers and other challenges that get in the way of deeper connections with fathers and parents in general
Look at culturally responsive ways fathers and other adults can better support the young people in their lives when it comes to mental wellness.
Tools needed to nurture strong, respectful bonds between parent and child
and more!
and pass on to others who can benefit from this FREE webinar
Real fathers, real men