The Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential, affectionately known simply as GCAPP, is a statewide adolescent health organization that works with hundreds of schools and other youth-serving organizations so that young people have the information, knowledge, and motivation they need to make healthy lifestyle choices that maximize their potential. Founded in 1995, GCAPP impacts over 80,000 young people each year as they journey through adolescence and into the rest of their lives. We help youth mitigate risks that often result in negative consequences that are difficult to overcome.
Young people in Georgia are facing enormous challenges—anxiety, depression, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, STI infections, childhood obesity, among others. Through our Formula for Change we work with every facet of the Georgia Youth eco-system to improve young people’s overall health and social well-being.
When youth are empowered, they are informed, self-aware, goal-oriented, and motivated to positively impact their own lives, the lives of their peers, and whole communities. To this end, through our Formula for Change, we have a clear and proven process to expand and sustain programs in adolescence health and wellness into priority counties and measure impact across our five program areas: Youth Empowerment, Parent Engagement, Comprehensive Sex Ed, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, and Physical Activity & Nutrition.